Sunday, 12 July 2015

Why 16?

I haven't explained the name yet! Front Row Centre does 16 showings during a production's run, that's why. Every theatre company seems to have different run lengths, and this is it for FRC. You know what? It's not long enough for me. I miss each show when it ends (which is apparently a thing. Post show funk.) As I sit here on my sofa, I miss the people, the music, the excitement. So, what happens? You (or me, in this case) volunteer for ALL THE SHOWS!! I would do any (legal) job, help with any task, to be a part of it. Thankfully, Mr. 16 is a loving, supportive partner, so he pulls the parenting load for the time I'm away. Also thankfully, Little 16 has always been an "early to bed and (not as great) early to rise" kind of kid. 

So, that's all there is to it...sorry it's not a more mysterious story behind the name. Next time, we enter real mystery! The next show I have the pleasure to help with? 

The Mystery of Edwin Drood! 


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