Why am I bitching about my stupid feet? Because I wore my character shoes for the first time, for an extended period of time. It was an unholy nightmare of pain. If I can not stand standing in the damn things, how in Hell am I going to dance in them?* And why can other ladies wear heels and be fine!? They look all awesome and hot; and I'm hobbling around like my feet are on fire, or have nails driven into them.
*By "dance", I mean "try my damnedest not to trip over my own two (apparently left) feet".
Thankfully, the dance shoe people have a solution for me. Shorter heels! It seems that 2" heels are as brutal to me as stilettos; so, I'll go to the good people at "local dance supply store" and get help. I pray to whomever is listening that the shorter heels help. I swear, I thought my toes were going to pop from the pressure. Ewwwww. Wish me luck!
This post was going to be regaling you with stories of how much I suck in jazz class. About how I dance like I have either a) never heard music, or b) hate music. About how I can't get out of my obsession with the steps to actually dance to the song. But I'm trying to cut myself some slack. It was, after all, only my second class. Stupid Debbie Allen. Stupid TV.
Also, they don't need Ensemble Person #2 in all the rehearsals, which does make me a bit sad. I'm learning from home, though! God Bless the makers of music theory and piano apps.
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