Thursday, 19 November 2015

Seeing the Show!

I love working on shows. LOVE it! Every little bit of it. So much so, that I often leave out actually talking about the finished product once it hits the stage. Of course, I always go, and I always love it, but I usually don't say much about it. I'm going to fix that straight away!

Through a nasty surprise snow storm, I travelled with my Ma to see 'The Mystery of Edwin Drood', our labour of love, on Tuesday night.

It was phenomenal. The set was gorgeous, the acting was spectacular, the music was amazing. I laughed and sang and hooted and hollered my way through. That's the great part about being new to the scene, I think. I still fall for the magic of the theatre, even though I know what has gone into it behind the curtain. It's just so REAL. You can get right into the show, and in the case of Drood, you even get to determine the ending! This is why I love theatre best. You can feel the show right in your gut. You can see the sparkle in an actor's eye, hear and feel the rumble and twinkle of the beautiful voices as they sing. It gives me goosebumps, and I hope it always will.

My friends become these fabulous characters, and I am dazzled by their talent. How do these people sing and dance and act so well? I know most people are all about movies and TV; but, for me, it's theatre. I hope I am welcome to be a part of it for a very long time.

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