Tuesday, 4 August 2015

And the winner is...FEAR!

No surprise there. The bottom line truth is that I am "throw-up-a-little-in-my-mouth" terrified to audition. Do you want a list of my horrific fears? Sure you do!

1.  They might think I'm terrible.
2.  I can't read music. I am really good at memorizing, especially with songs and lyrics; but I cannot read music.
3.  I have never taken dance lessons. I loved to dance as a kid/teenager, but that was a loooooooooooong time ago.
4.  I have never acted. Not even drama classes in high school.
5.  I know almost all of the people for whom I'll audition.
6.  See #1.

The theatre company has generously offered a "how to audition" workshop that coincides perfectly with auditions for the show I want to go for (it's TOMMY, OK??!! I want to audition for FRC's Tommy. There, I said it.); but, unfortunately, I can't afford it right now. So, I will ask my dear friend, Jamie, if I can take him up on his offer to help me. If I can work up the nerve.

Gah! Why can't I just be happy doing what I'm doing?!

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