Saturday, 29 August 2015


I wanted to blow people away. I wanted them to be amazed that I could be hiding all this unbelievable talent all these years. 

Instead, I panicked. I didn't practice with the accompaniment track. I got lost, could not keep tempo, and then blanked on the lyrics.

I'm trying to cut myself more slack. It was the first time I had done anything like this. No teacher cueing me when to start.  And the version I did of "Here I Go Again" (my driving song, and a song I've been singing along with for almost 30 years) wasn't bad. 

Lindsay is incredibly supportive and encouraging, but I could not feel more disappointed in myself. I know this song. I have it memorized. It sounds good at home. I even took my meds before I went! But I didn't cry. So, that's a plus.

I don't want to just be the funny fat lady. How can I channel all I've gone through over the years to bring out more depth?

1 comment:

  1. Never. Stop. Ever. That's how! You've got this! I love you!!!!!
